This web page will be your source for information on the upcoming contract negotiations.

The New CBA between Local Lodge 971 and Pratt & Whitney is now available on line. Hard copies will be comming soon.

Click Here!



Feb. 4, 2024

We have a new contract! The membership has spoken. After a large turnout the vote count was a majority Yes.

Our thanks go out to the following from our IAM Headquarters. With their help we were able to bring this contract forward to the membership.

Aerospace Department:

Tony Wirth

Robert Barnwell

Denise Heath

William Sullivan

Strategic Resources:

Gwendolyn Camp

District 166:

Directing Business Director Kevin Demeco

Business Director Ed Grabowski

Thanks goes out to the Local 971 Negotiation Team:

John Gall

 Tim Coverstone

Jeff Spaw

Kriss Rubenstein

Reinaldo Gonzalez

Jermaine Phillip

Chris Fowler

Mike Goodwin

Sean Rowell

And a final thanks to all the members that took the time to come out and vote!






Retired IAM Aerospace Coordinator Mark Blodin stopped by to inspire the Negotiation Team and review their work.